For starters, you’ll need the following supplies for proper Semaglutide reconstitution:
o An Alcohol Wipe
o A syringe
o Your Lyophilized Semaglutide Vial
o Bacteriostatic Water
To begin the reconstitution process, you’ll want to wipe down the top of your Semaglutide vial & your Bacteriostatic water vial as a safety precaution with an alcohol wipe. Then you’ll want to use a syringe and pull your bacteriostatic water from the vial. Pull up 1ml of water (nearly a full syringe) Keep in mind you don’t want to touch the needle as this part of the syringe has been sterilized. Therefore, touching it would then cause contamination.From here, you’ll want to inject your syringe directly into the lyophilized Semaglutide vial. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT just shoot the water into the vial. This will damage the peptide and render it useless.
Rather than spraying your peptide, the goal here is to drip the liquid down the side of the vial. Doing so will begin the process of reconstitution without destroying your product. Once you inject your bacteriostatic water into your Semaglutide vial, you can remove the syringe from the vial. Repeat this again so you have injected a total of 2ml of Bacteriostatic water in to the Semaglutide vial.Some individuals may say you need to lightly swirl the solution in the vial. However, 9 times out of 10 this is unnecessary and can do more harm than good. You’ll basically want to let it dissolve on its own.
If you have mixed 2ml of Bacteriostatic water in to your 5mg Semaglutide vial as instructed above, then 1 "tick" (0.1ml) on the provided 1ml syringe is equal to 250mcg (0.25mg) of Semaglutide. The 1ml syringe is divided in to 10, each line being 0.1ml.The stated dosing regime for Semaglutide is as follows:
Inject once a week on the same day.
Month 1: 250mcg (0.25mg) Per week (1st line on the syringe or 0.1ml)
Month 2: 500mcg (0.5mg) Per week (2nd line on the syringe or 0.2ml)
Month 3: 1000mcg (1mg) Per week (4th line on the syringe or 0.4ml)
As an example for someone just starting Semaglutide. The very first injection is performed on a Monday. They inject 250mcg which if mixed to our recommendations above is 0.1ml on the syringe (the first line, it's a very small amount!)The following Monday they do exactly the same. Once they have done this for 4 weeks they move on to the next dosage level.They now inject 500mcg every monday for 4 more weeks. 500mcg being the second line on the syringe or 0.2ml.Once in the 3rd month they inject 1000mcg or 4 lines on the syringe (0.4ml)
It's important to try and inject on the same day each week. Do not inject more than once per week. Do not take more than the recommended dosage. Do your research on the common an uncommon side effects of Semaglutide.
How To Properly Perform A Subcutaneous Injection
Before we begin, let’s answer this question: What is a subcutaneous injection? A subcutaneous injection is a shot that is given under the skin but doesn’t pierce the muscle. Typically, this method is used in the medical field as a way of giving small amounts of medications.
There are two ways to administer a subcutaneous injection. You can either inject your peptide at a complete 90-degree angle or at a 45-degree angle. How do you know which angle to use? It’s simple. When you pinch the skin in between your fingers and can grab 2 inches then a 90-degree angle is the viable option. However, if you can only grasp about an inch of skin the 45-degree angle is recommended.
The Subcutaneous Injection Process
What You’ll Need for Injections:
· A Sterile Syringe
· An Alcohol Wipe
· Your Reconstituted Peptide (Semaglutide in this case)
· Disposable Gloves (optional)
It's time to choose what location to administer the injection too. There are four common areas when deciding where to inject. These areas include the abdomen, the thigh, the lower back, or the upper arm. Again, keep in mind this is not like a flu shot. The goal is not to inject your peptide into the muscle. It is to simply inject into the area just under the skin. We highly recommend injecting in to your abdominal fat. Once your injection site is decided upon, this would be the point in which you would apply your disposable gloves. If you decide not to use disposable gloves this is okay as well. Just keep in mind you’ll want to handle everything with freshly washed hands.
Start by using your sterile wipe to wipe down the area you plan to inject your peptide into and let it air dry. For this example, we’ll say you’ve chosen your abdomen. Once your abdomen is dry, you can move onto the next step. Which is the preparation of your needle.
The most recommended way to prepare your needle is to take the syringe in your dominant hand, so your writing hand. You’ll then pull the cover off with the other hand. Once this is completed you’ll then pull the correct amount of peptide into your syringe from your vial. Remember to get your dosages right, if mixed to our recommendation 0.1ml will be 250mcg (0.25mg) Which is the starting dosage for a new Semaglutide user.
After you pull your desired amount of peptide into your vial, you’ll want to pinch the skin where you are injecting it in between your thumb and first finger. Again, if you are able to pull about two inches of skin up then a 90-degree angle of injection is okay. However, if you are only at about an inch then you’ll want to go with a 45-degree angle.
At this point, you’ll want to inject the needle completely into the skin avoiding muscle tissue. This is where you’ll push the plunger in which will then administer your choice of peptide into your abdomen. Once you completely empty the syringe you can pull the needle out. A good thing to keep in mind while injecting is to hold the syringe barrel relatively tight and to use your wrist to do most of the injecting. Go slowly and push the plunger just enough to move it. You don't want to press it hard and empty the syringe quickly, take your time. A period of 10 seconds would be good to aim for.
Once you have completed your injection carefully place the cap back on the syringe and dispose of the syringe appropriately. We recommend a "sharps bin" which is available from most pharmacies.
Storing Your Peptides
Storing your peptides correctly whether they are reconstituted or not is pivotal in how they perform. A big difference is in the temperature of when they are reconstituted versus when they are still in lyophilized form.
Typically, when in reconstituted form (mixed with water) the rule of thumb is to maintain a temperature between 2 degrees to 8 degrees Celsius. In many cases, this would mean storing it in your fridge which is definitely what we recommend. If you have your peptide in lyophilised form (powder in the vial and not mixed) It is recommended to store it in your freezer where it will last much longer.Failure to store & handle peptides correctly will mean they are destroyed. They will look fine but the active compound will no longer work! Make sure you handle them gently and make sure they are kept cold and away from a source of light.
This guide is written as a first hand account of how an individual used Semaglutide. It is not to be followed. It is not medical advice.